The Dancing Guy Reflection

  1. 1. How are you developing your identity as a technology leader/facilitator?

  2. I am growing into my own as a technology leader by working on more educational products that reach the entire organization rather than just the department. I am asserting myself more in meetings and understand now that I know more than I thought I did. 

  3. 2. How are you building relationships with individuals in your practicum school, district, and classroom? 

  4. I am building relationships by entering into a formal mentorship agreement with an instructional designer. I also develop policy that covers the way technology is distributed, help teach faculty best practices in cybersecurity, and am developing relationships with educational specialists in the Education and Training department.

  5. 3. Give an example of how you have started to empower others to be risk-takers?

I've helped begin a new policy framework that changes the entire way that policies are managed. It's a risk to change anything that's stood in place for so many years, and there is a lot of apprehension. In order to embolden change I've set up one on one trainings and departmental walkthrough meetings. 


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